The interaction between Johnson and Stevens ended that night. We look forward to continuing creating positive experiences on property.' We were disheartened by the events that occurred on property this past weekend and are grateful that our staff quickly responded and diffused the situation. Justin Foster, the general manager of the Harpeth Hotel, tells Yahoo Life, 'Our goal is ensure that all guests and visitors feel welcome and comfortable at the Harpeth.
According to the video and additional explanation on Geittmann's TikTok, that's when adults at the venue intervened - including hotel staff, who Geittmann said ultimately kicked Johnson out and called the police.
'He continued to follow me and harass me and just call names,' Stevens says of Johnson, who is heard saying, 'You look like an idiot,' just before trying to swat Geittmann's phone away. In the video, Stevens and Geittmann are heard yelling at the man before Stevens begins to walk away. This content is not available due to your privacy preferences.